On Hatred
I tend to feel all things intensely - good and bad, happy and sad, fun and torturous. What seems to be a positive thing about almost dying, is that it allows you to really reflect on what matters, to be compassionate toward others, to know what to hold on to, and what to let go of. Hatred seems like a pretty negative topic for what is still the holiday season and will soon be a new year, but I think it is a perfect topic on which to reflect, and then to perhaps decide a different course for the fresh start of the new year. It occurs to me that I have carried around hatred. I have hated people for some perceived wrong towards me, my friends or family, or towards a group I have affinity for. I have hated situations, for their unfairness. And, I have even hated spiders, for their creepy eight-legged, multi-eyed look. But, hatred has not served me well. No matter how intensely I hate, nothing changes. I can hate spiders, but my hatred does not rid the world of them - it only leaves m...