On the Multiple Personalities of Pinterest

I will admit it: I love prepackaged stuff. Whether food (particularly kids lunches) or party supplies, if it's prepackaged, I'll pay the extra money for the convenience. I can see my mom reading this right now and cringing, at least about the food.

Now that I've gotten that admission out of the way, I'll tell you why I'm thinking about this. Simon's birthday party is in a couple of weeks. He wanted a Minecraft themed party. For those of you who are unfamiliar with Minecraft, I promise that Simon could spend hours filling you in, but for the sake of time, it's a video game.

Minecraft is a pretty popular video game and there are all sorts of plush creatures, LEGO kits, and other things that you can purchase. There are not, however, party supplies. WHAT?!?!! Why on earth has someone not made prepackaged party supplies for Minecraft?

I am not an artsy-craftsy kind of person. I don't just dislike being artsy-craftsy, I'm pretty sure it gives me hives. Yep, that's it, I'm allergic to arts and crafts.

And so, as I have lamented about having to figure out how to create a Minecraft themed party, with no help from party suppliers, my friends have introduced to me to their good friend, Pinterest.

They swear Pinterest is charming, intelligent, helpful, full of great ideas, easy to work with, and eager to help create the perfect party-giving me.

I am not so sure.

Yes, Pinterest is full of great ideas, but she is also unclear in her directions, overwhelming in her desire to help, and yet also boastful about how easy everything is. Easy? Maybe if your name is Pinterest. But definitely not easy if your name is Carrie (at least not this Carrie).

And besides, am I really aiming for perfection, or am I just trying for a fun party for my son. Is it going to matter if the Creeper heads on the cupcakes are glued together crookedly?  For me, being ever the perfectionist, I'll say the answer is yes. But, for my son, it'll hopefully be the effort that counts.

So, which Pinterest will I find in the coming weeks? The one pleasant and helpful, or the one mocking me for my inadequacies? I'll let you know after the party, and if it really was cool - I'll take pictures and brag.


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