On Thanksgiving

Thanksgiving is the bright spot in what I feel is an otherwise drab, dreary, and cold month. It is a holiday of reflection, an examination of how lucky we ultimately are. It is a holiday for family and friends, food and drink, and no expectations relative to finding the perfect gift.

This time last year I was still in the hospital. I got out right before Thanksgiving. So, last year's Thanksgiving meant a ton to me, my friends, and my family. It was, however, kind of fuzzy for me. I was still taking a lot of medication and I remember being somewhat overwhelmed by well-wishes. Appreciative of them, yes, but overwhelmed just the same.

This year is different. I've been out of the hospital a whole year! I've had a year's worth of new opportunities, of experiences, and of life to reflect on. WOW! I am a lucky girl.

I am lucky to be alive. It sounds clichéd to say that, but since I almost didn't make it (a few times) last year, I am lucky to be alive. I am eternally grateful to the amazing medical personnel that has treated me throughout this ordeal. Without them... well, I just won't think about that.

I am so grateful to be able to do the little things (you know, the ones that add up) with my children. Recently, I got to see Alli receive an award for trustworthiness. I missed Simon getting a similar award last year - I was in the hospital. I get to go to dance lessons, guitar lessons, IEP meetings, volunteer at school, see awards ceremonies, and on and on. I get to take Alli to Hershey, PA to see The Wild Kratts (if you haven't caught their show on PBS, you should - they're pretty awesome!). I'll get to take Simon to do something fun for a weekend. All of these things can sometimes seem like "have to do" items, but now, I'm thinking about them as "get to do."

I have an amazing network of family and friends. I can sincerely say that without you, my life would be so much less. It is your seemingly unending capacity to care for me and about me that will always continue to astound me. And, I hope that I can and do return your generosity.

And, I have had wonderful new opportunities to work with some really amazing people. I thank my lucky stars that I have been able to create a new path in the work world that gives me the opportunity to do what I enjoy, and yet still be there for all those important things with my kids.  Working hard at something I believe in makes it not seem like working hard at all.

Thank you all for sharing in my story. It frequently amazes me at how many people read this blog. I hope that my experience in "bouncing back" gives you a sense that although life isn't easy, it is possible to enjoy the beautiful moments, and to learn from the hard ones.

I am grateful for every moment: the challenges, as well as the beautifully easy times, and everything in between. These moments have made me who I am and are continuing to shape me moving forward. I am sure that I won't be grateful all the time. I am sure that I will experience sadness, loss, anger, and fear. But, I will do my best to focus on the good moments, as well as what I've learned from the bad.

I hope that everyone has a beautiful time of reflection. All of us are lucky in some way.


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