On Lessons From Spin

I often choose the harder path.  If there are two ways to do something and one is super easy, I'll pick the other. Sometimes this is foolish. And sometimes, this has taught me great lessons.

Perhaps this is why I like spin so much. Spin is one of those classes that does not get easier with time. I mean, you could make it easier, by decreasing resistance or speed, but then, why are you taking a class at the gym in the first place? For most people, spin doesn't get easier. The moment it feels like your body can handle it, you crank up the resistance or pedal faster.

So here are the lessons I learn from spin, every single time I go:

1. Nothing worth doing is easy: Each instructor teaches spin class a little differently. Some like to focus on strength training (this means a lot of heavy climbs). Some like to focus on speed work (this means a lot of sprints). And some, like to do a lot of interval training (this means a combination of speed work and strength training).  None of this is easy. But, if you want a strong, healthy body, then you work harder, each time you go. I believe it is like this for anything. It is the hard stuff that truly defines who we are. Anyone can skate through a life where things are handed to us and little is expected. But, when life gets hard, it is how we manage, that really makes us who we are.

2. Getting stronger takes work: As it turns out, getting a stronger body takes work, and so does getting a stronger brain. I've been doing all kinds of exercises for both. Both can be equally grueling, although in different ways. But, I'm getting stronger, in body and in mind.  This lesson reminds me of practicing an instrument or doing homework. It is often not at the top of our "fun to do" list to practice, but it is the only way to get better.

3. Even imaginary hills are worth climbing: My son frequently worries about things way in the future and forgets to focus on what is right in front of him, both the fun and the challenging. For example, right now he's worried about starting 3rd grade. I remind him that there are still seven more weeks of summer and there are lots of really amazing things that he's going to be doing. But, some things, are like climbing really tough hills. Just when you think you can't do it, you press on just a little more, work just a little harder, and you get to the top. Sometimes it is learning really tough lessons, but those lessons stick with us and carry us into the future where hopefully, we know that we can tackle those future really difficult lessons and we know that tackling them will only leave us better off.

4. Success at the end of a hard path feels great: Think back to something you've done recently that was really challenging. Perhaps it was running a marathon. Perhaps it was recovering from an illness or accident. Perhaps it was a presentation at work in front of a lot of really important people. And perhaps, it was a really tough spin class. Now, think back to how accomplishing that really challenging thing made you feel. Maybe as you traveled the difficult path, you felt exhausted and even hopeless, but as you turned the corner and approached the end, how did you feel? I bet you felt elated and full of energy and happiness.  Good for you! You deserve to feel this way. And with each success that feels great, use it to work harder the next time.

So, each week, I take several spin classes. Each week, at some point during the class, I wonder why I am taking this class. I'm exhausted. My legs hurt. My heart feels like its going to pound out of my chest.  But then, I push a little bit harder and I make it. I finish the class. It feels amazing! And, it feels like I can't wait till the next class to challenge myself even more.

I hope that each new challenge brings you a sense of accomplishment. And, I hope, that by knowing you can accomplishing tough things, you keep challenging yourself in new ways. I know you can do it!


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