On Anniversaries

"Success is my only mother-f*ckin' option. Failure's not."  - Eminem
So, why did I start this blog with a line from an Eminem song? Well, for as long as Lose Yourself, has been out, this line has stuck in my head. Perhaps that is because this is how I approach life. Eminem and I may have been brought up in very different ways, and may lead very different lives now, but we agree on this line.

It's not that failures don't happen - they do, but what I think this line means is that even when you are faced with failure, success really is the only option. So, you keep on going until you get to a place that feels good.

And that brings me to the title of this blog...On Anniversaries. As many of you may remember, this day marks the one year anniversary of the day I didn't die. It is the anniversary of the day that I not only lived through a horrific accident, but it is also the day that set into motion the events of the last year.

So, while I kinda wish I hadn't had to experience a good portion of what I've experienced, I'm also kinda glad that I have. And mostly, I'm glad that I had something to experience at all. I didn't die. I lived, and if I do say so myself, I'm living a great life.

Emily and I recently had dinner together to celebrate this common anniversary in our lives. She's doing great, too. I am so glad. We've both come a long way.

Enjoy the pictures below to see just how far we've come. And don't you worry - we'll go farther too! I have no doubt. Success is the only option.

This is Em and I just before Christmas, soon after I got out of the hospital.

This is Em and I just a few days ago. I have hair!


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