On Why I Love Taylor Swift

I had a conversation the other day with friend. In that conversation, I might have mentioned that I love Taylor Swift. He might have said something along the lines of, "but she's kinda cheesy." So... maybe, but I don't really think so. And, to date, she's sold 4 million copies of her latest album (yes, I bought it the first day), so a lot of other people don't think so either.

It could be argued that Taylor and I, in the grand scheme of things, have lived vastly different lives. Certainly, the point she is in her life is not the same as mine now. Yet somehow, in the details, she's lived my life.

People (I) love Taylor Swift because she is relatable. Think back - you know those times in your life where you (in your mind) were the only person to have ever experienced such a thing? Well, she makes those times feel normal. She lets you feel not quite so alone, even if it's in hindsight.

So here's my life (and perhaps every girl's life) in Taylor Swift songs:

Let's start with early stuff: Tear Drops on My Guitar. What girl, at some point, probably middle or high school, didn't experience this kind of unrequited love? I know I did. There was that boy, and he loved someone else - someone who wasn't me. I didn't understand it. I may not have had a guitar to cry on, but I certainly cried into my pillow (and cried and cried).

Here's where I might buy cheesy. If you stopped listening to Taylor Swift with Love Story, then I can see where you might think so. However, Love Story is the Disney Princess version of love that we little girls are all taught, from an early age, to want - to think is the definition of love.

And then you realize, as Taylor did in White Horse, "I'm not a princess, this ain't a fairy tale. Someday, I might actually find someone who treats me well." So, Love Story doesn't exist, but finding that out is a good lesson to learn - it helps build resiliency.

Then there is that Tim McGraw boyfriend, the one that told you stuff that you believed, but then life circumstances got in the way - like college.

The song Fifteen reminds me of my friend, Heather. We shared a locker all through high school. Every day, we wrote each other a note and put it in the top cubby to find. I practically lived at Heather's house for at least two years (Sorry, Jane - you probably didn't need an extra angst-filled daughter). I remember feeling like I was so lucky to have Heather because no one else quite understood in the same way. I wish I still had those notes because they'd be fun to look back on. I have something better though, I still have Heather. And, I'm happy for a song that makes me remember those magical, if not somewhat traumatic, times in my life.

The song 22 was SO MY LIFE when I was 22. This was that stage in life, the transition period - from college to real world. "We're happy, free, confused and lonely at the same time. It's miserable and magical..." I had my first job. I lived in a condo in Annapolis with my friend, Jen. I remember thinking how hard it was to get up every day and go to work. I still managed to go out every Thursday, Friday, and Saturday night. And, of course, I made sure I looked good. Because really, who wanted to miss anything? Except on those nights when we just couldn't be bothered and stayed in our pajamas watching movies or listening to music all night. While those times were a bit of a blur, I know they were also amazing.

Ours, to me, is about partnership. It is that relationship you hope to find, the ideal. The one where, no matter what, you have each other's backs - through the good and the bad. Because, "People throw rocks at things that shine, and life makes love look hard. The stakes are high. The water's rough. But this love is ours."

If Ours is the ideal, then Everything Has Changed is the beginning. I love this part. And, it is scary as hell. Its the part where you think you feel something and you think (just maybe) that other person feels something too, but you question it constantly. "Come back and tell me why, I'm feeling like I've missed you all this time. And meet me there tonight, and let me know that it's not all in my mind." And then, you walk forward anyway, because the excitement outweighs the fear. And even if it turns out badly, the butterflies in your stomach are worth it.

Then there's that Red relationship: "Loving him was like driving a new maserati down a dead end street. Faster than the wind. Passionate as sin. Ending so suddenly." Yes, yes it was.

Who doesn't want to believe that you've left your mark on a relationship, as in Wildest Dreams? Who doesn't want to be remembered? "Someday when you leave me, I'll bet these memories follow you around... Say you'll remember me, even if it's just in your wildest dreams."  I can think of a few guys in particular that I hope occasionally flashes back to fond memories of me, and of us together. I don't wish to have those relationships back - just for them to remember.

Have I mentioned the other reasons I love Taylor Swift? She's smart, funny, talented, kind, generous, and she doesn't take herself too seriously (Blank Space). She's also a really hard worker, and an amazing business woman. Last time I checked, these are the qualities of the role model you want your daughters to have. And, isn't she the type of woman you want your sons to see as what women can be, and are?

Certainly, there's more, but we don't want this blog to get too out of hand. So, for now, and as always, "I'll make the moves up as I go."

And, for all you naysayers still out there:
"The haters gonna hate, hate, hate. Baby, I'm just gonna shake shake shake, shake it off, shake it off." More people should - there'd be less strife in the world.


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