On Last Days

My children each have a very important last day this week. Simon has his last day of 2nd grade and Alli has her last day with Ms. Sherri (her daycare provider for life).

First days tend to give me anxiety. It doesn't matter how excited I am for the event, it always makes me feel a bit like wandering around school hallways without any clue as to where to go. I can't sleep for days prior to the first day of anything, even when I know exactly what to expect.

But last days, make me sad.

Simon's last day is a last day in this particular school with a wonderful and caring staff. It's his last day with the wonderful teacher who has been his teacher for the last two years.  And although Simon is thrilled that summer is here at last, I am sad. It'll never be the same as it is right now.

Alli's last day is harder on me. Ms. Sherri has been a part of our lives for more than five years. She watched Simon part-time until he went to preschool and she has watched Alli her entire life. I will miss dropping Alli off and picking Alli up. I will miss the other children. I will miss being able to talk to Sherri each day.  And mostly, I will miss knowing that my daughter is being taken care of each day by someone who loves her almost as much as I do. And although Alli is thrilled to spend the summer with her big brother and to go to camp for the first time ever, she and I both get an overwhelming feeling of sadness when we think about not having Ms. Sherri.

But, isn't that just how life goes? Change is inevitable.  It happens, whether we expect it or not. Our job is to be flexible enough to go with it. And fortunately, as this year has proved, my children can deal with change. And, they are growing more confident in their own ability to handle change.

So, I will allow myself this little bit of grief, this look back at all that is changing way too quickly, and be grateful.  I am grateful for the way things were. I am grateful for the way things are right now. And, I am grateful that my children have been well loved and cared for, so much so, that they can feel confident in moving on to this next set of first and last days.


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