On My Natural State

A friend of mine recently asked me why I was smiling. My response: "No reason. It's just kinda my natural state."

And, it is. My mom has said that I was born with a smile. I am not sure that is physiologically possible, but you get the point. I have always been a pretty happy person.

This can be irritating as hell if you aren't a happy person, or it can be infectious. I prefer to think that I spread happiness, but I also know I can't get it right for everyone, all the time. I'm okay with that.

There is a myth with happy people, though - just because I'm happy most of the time, doesn't  mean that I never get sad, or angry, or hurt. I feel all those feelings, and express them - sometimes all within the same day. Sometimes, all within the same 10 minutes. Negative emotion can oftentimes feel like a huge and fierce thunderstorm. Fortunately for me, those dark clouds pass by quickly and I am soon back to my natural state of happy. I let them go as quickly as they come.

Earlier this week, I shared an article (on Facebook), from Huffington Post, on the 8 Habits of Perpetually Positive People. While I won't go into all of it, one on the list is particularly pertinent for me: "They tap into their positivity during challenging times." Yep. I do.

We all have challenging times. Being human means a life with some degree of strife. And, we have a choice on how to handle that strife. Does it mire us down in negativity (I've had periods of time where it has), or do we hold our heads up and keep moving forward, sure that it'll get better eventually?

For the most part, I choose the latter.

Yes, I am a positive person. And, I feel that I consciously make an effort to be so. I have learned, certainly from my experience as well as the experience of others, that bad things happen. I cannot always prevent or change negative events. What I can do, is allow myself enough flexibility to change course, and to ultimately choose happy.

I'll leave you with this - a small bit of one of my favorite duets with Kenny Chesney and Dave Matthews:

So damn easy to say that life's so hard 
Everybody's got their share of battle scars 
As for me, I'd like to thank my lucky stars, that I'm alive and well...

Sometimes, if we concentrate our focus on the simplest of moments, we realize we're happy - we allow ourselves to be. Bring yourself back to those simple moments when life feels hard. Choose happy. Don't let anyone else make that choice for you.


  1. I think you probably were born with a smile - Tara =0)


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