On Going All-in

If life is a game of cards, I go all-in, every time.

What does this mean?

Well, it means that in different facets of my life: parenting, family and friends, work and play, I fully invest.

Does it mean that I'm perfect? Nope. I'm definitely not. As much as it would make me happy to be so, I'm human and humans aren't perfect.

Does it mean that I don't make mistakes? Nope. I have made, and probably will make, a ton of mistakes. What counts isn't that I make mistakes, but how I respond to and learn from them.

Does it mean that sometimes I'm dealt a lousy hand. Yep. Clearly, being in an accident, and more importantly, having Emily in the accident with me, was a lousy hand to be dealt. That's okay. I've made the best of lousy hands (and so has Em), and do what I can with the cards I've been dealt.

Is there risk in going all-in? Absolutely. You don't really know what you're getting into, until you actually get into it. Sometimes, it turns out badly. And sometimes, it turns out better than you could have possibly imagined.

All-in is about energy investment.

Let's start with parenting. I definitely go all-in here. Those two kids are the center of my universe. It is not up to me to live their lives for them, or to do all that needs to be done. Instead, all-in parenting means paying attention. It means giving them the tools for success and the confidence to use those tools. It means looking for new answers and new tools when the first set doesn't work. It means making sure that my kids know that there is always someone in their corner, someone who will hold them accountable, yet will stand by them to the end.

I look at my relationships with family and friends in the same way. Going all-in means I invest energy in people. I support them, not just when they need it, but in their dreams and goals, too. And, I make sure they understand exactly how much I value the relationship. I show gratitude, not only for the kind things they do, but just for being a part of my journey.

I take the projects I do for, and the relationships I have with clients, very seriously. I put my all into ensuring that what they get is both what they want, and what they need. And, I make sure that I leave the project and relationship better than it was before. I put in a ton of energy and effort because I get a ton of energy back. It makes me feel good to know that I've helped my clients succeed in their goals.

And, because life isn't all work and responsibilities, I go all-in when I play too.  I make sure I am present in the moment and enjoying it, whether it is reading a book, taking a spin class (yes, that is my happy place), going out to dinner with friends, or on vacation. Why bother doing something if you're not going to actually pay attention to it while you're there.

So, you're probably wondering how I divide my energy amongst all these facets. I don't. I multiply it. I have found that the more positive energy you put into the world, the more you get back. (This is also true of negative energy, but I prefer the positive). It is much like when you have that first baby and you look at him and wonder how you could possibly love another human being the way you love that child... And then, you have a second baby and realize that your heart has the capacity to grow to accommodate both children - all the sudden you have room. Energy is like that too. You might think that you couldn't possibly have the energy for one more thing, but you do - you have the ability to accommodate increased energy output - because when you put energy out there, you also fill up your reserves. Its a constant cycle and it is refreshing.

Life is short. Go all-in. Yes, there's a lot of risk, but there's also a lot of reward.


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