On Anniversaries Part 6

This year is different. My celebration on this important day is not going to be about me. It isn't even going to be about Emily, my children, or my parents. Instead, this day is going to be about my cousin as she begins her new life as a married person.

When Rachel sent her "save the date," I was excited to see that her wedding day was the same date as the 6th anniversary of my accident. That probably seems weird, but I am so grateful to have something equally as wonderful to celebrate. To me, both signify life - my cousin is beginning her new life as a married person, and I am celebrating the anniversary of the day that I didn't die. Wow! how lucky we both are.

I will still celebrate with Emily, as we cannot have a year go by and not celebrate the thing that will always make us a part of each other's lives - a part of each other's families. It is important to both of us to mark this event in a positive way.

Life has continued to go on. My focus remains the kids and all of their things - for Alli that is mostly field hockey and for Simon that is mostly school - and building and growing my business. I have also spent the year being more involved in HobbleJog, the foundation (where I'm a board member) that provides grants for resources for TBI survivors. We've had two great fundraising events this year, the last of which was a bike ride. Alli and I both took part in the ride and both kids generously donated their “giving” money to my campaign.

Earlier in the year Susan, the founder of HobbleJog, and I presented at BIAMD (Brain Injury Association - MD Chapter) to an audience of TBI survivors, their caregivers, and the medical community about additional resource needs post-acute care. We met some really amazing survivors and it seemed that our stories had a positive impact on the people in the room. I hope to do more speaking this coming year.

Through HobbleJog and in other ways, I will keep looking for ways to positively impact the individuals who are a part of this community of TBI survivors. There is so much that we can learn from each other and from the medical community.

I will continue to see Dr. Jindal, my Neuro-Interventional Radiologist, every other year for CT scans and ongoing care. The next appointment is around the 7th anniversary, so nothing to report this year other than I feel well and I am working to take care of myself physically, mentally, and emotionally - all of which have a big impact on the health of the brain.

I am so grateful for the support I have received and continue to receive year after year. Thank you! Cheers to another year!


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