On Tricks for Positivity

I have been asked recently, by more than one person, how I manage to stay positive considering everything I've been through, as well as my daily challenges.

Here's a secret though: I am not always positive.

More days than not, I have to work really hard to remember why being positive is important to me. I have to remember that it is worth it to show my children that even when life is hard, we can learn and grow from each experience and have a good and happy life. I have to remember that coming back to positive allows me to manage each challenge that comes my way.

So, I thought I'd share what works for me:

Trick #1: How hard I work at the gym is directly correlated to how challenging my day has been. If you've ever seen me in a spin class, you know that few people outwork me. So... you can guess from that, I might have some challenging days.

Why do I work so hard at the gym and how does it help bring me back to a positive mindset? Well, focusing on working physically as hard as I can, harder than I did yesterday, allows me to stop focusing on whatever my day's challenge is - it allows me to completely clear my mind of everything except what I am doing right then. Then, when the class or workout is over, I can start with a fresh perspective - a more centered, calm mindset. Once again, I know I can conquer my challenges. I almost never leave that gym without a smile on my face.

Trick #2: I help other people. The harder my day is, the harder I look to offer someone else a hand, or at least a kind word.

Why do I reach out to others when I'm feeling defeated and down? Well, it allows me to remember that although I am in the midst of a challenge, there is always someone out there who is having a more challenging day than I. I may not be able to help that person, but I can at least make someone's day a little easier. And doing that, makes me feel good.

Trick #3: I remember one of my fav's: "Success is my only mother-f*cking option, failure's not."

This helps me remember why I bother in the first place. And, seriously, success is my only mother-f*cking option, so I'm going to face whatever challenges I have to in order to get there.

I hope someone finds these tricks useful, or at least feels better that I have to work hard at being positive. And, if you have tricks I can try, please share!


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