On Possibility

Possibility is an interesting thing. It can bring with it both hope and aprehension.

It is both refreshing and scary as hell. Being open to possibility means being open to the possibility of greatness and being open to the possibility of something bad.

It is in my nature to be extremely cautious, to not choose possibility of greatness for fear of the possibility of something bad. I have to fight against this cautious nature. And I do. Every. Single. Day.

So, perhaps what has allowed me to grow the most has been what has also caused me great pain - physical, mental and emotional. I have said before - I do not regret anything that I've lived through because it has made me stronger, better and who I am today.

Perhaps a big, life changing, potentially life-ending event, is what one needs to be open to possibility. I certainly don't wish that on anyone, but it has helped me.

I know there are people out there who are just open - to everything. I think most people, though, are like me - a bit wary of what's out there, a bit wary of how what kind of impact it will make. I think most people have to actively pursue being open to possibilitiy.

Although I would prefer to avoid pain and I still worry about what could be,  I try now to live my life open to possibility, open to experiences that will allow me to grow and become better than I was yesterday.

This is not always a comfortable way to live. I'm not really a fan of opening myself up to being vulnerable.

But here's what I know. Every single time I have opened myself up to possibility, something good has come from it. It may not have been the good that I was expecting. It may have come with a lot of pain. But, the good has always come, even if it has taken me a while to figure out what that good is.

So, I choose to make myself vulnerable, not recklessly, but vulnerable none-the-less. I choose to make myself vulnerable for the chance...for the possibility of something great.


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