On Opening Doors

Welcome to my favorite holiday!

People tend to look at me strangely when I say that. It is not that I don't love or appreciate the other holidays.... I do. New Years, though, are about opening doors, and... well, I love the magic in that symbolism.

I love a fresh start. I love having a year ahead of me with nothing defined other than possibility.

A new year feeds my need to make chaos certain. There is no greater chaos than a year ahead without definition. YAY! I get to work on making 365 new days certain. I am giddy with the joy of it.

I understand that for some of you, closing the door on 2015 feels like relief. It isn't as much the start of something new that you are looking forward to, but rather the end of something old. We have all had years like that. 2013 was like that for me. I was SO READY to start 2014. I would have been remiss, however, if I had closed the door on 2013 without taking a few things with me: the lessons I learned and the important people I met along the way. Even now, looking back on 2013, I acknowledge that it was a year that was pretty terrible in a lot of ways. I also get, though, that it was a year I needed to have in order to get to where I am right now. I think every year of life is like that, good or bad.  

For some of you, the new year brings anxiety - that sense of uncertainty and chaos ahead is overwhelming and seems too much to handle. I get that I am fortunate. I know that I am blessed to understand that I can handle anything that comes my way. The past has taught me that. I bet if you look closely, you'll see that the past has taught you that, as well.

I will happily close the door on 2015 knowing that in this past year, I have grown. I have become more sure of myself and my voice. I have become more sure of the things that bring me great joy. And, I have focused on doing more of those things: in my work and in my play. I have made new connections and have further cemented into my life the connections I have already. I am so grateful for the people who have helped make each day of this year important.

I know that it is unlikely that I will make all 365 days of 2016 certain. I don't care. I am confident that I will make certain what I can and that I will make the best of what remains chaos. I will take the lessons and friends from 2015 and make 2016 even better.

Bring on the rainbows and unicorns! Open the door: the year is bright with possibility! I wish you all a sense of wonder and joy. The world is in your hands. Work hard to make it beautiful. I have every confidence that we can do it together.


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