On Anniversaries... Part 2

So, here it is the second anniversary of Emily and me surviving our accident.

In many ways it feels like it was just yesterday. Yet, so many things have changed since then that I cannot imagine how I have fit it all in.

It is true that many parts of this experience completely and totally sucked: that Em and I were in a life-changing accident; having a long and arduous recovery; knowing that my friend was hurt when I was driving; understanding the fear that our family and friends felt day in and day out.

All of it was pretty horrible.

Here's what's also true: I wouldn't change any of it.

I am grateful for the doctors, nurses, family and friends that made my survival possible. It is both overwhelming and fulfilling to know that people are working and praying hard for you.

I am grateful for the connections and re-connections I have made because of the accident. Meeting new people and reconnecting with old friends is a wonderful thing, something I appreciate tremendously.

I remember being at Sinai in rehab how all of the therapists used to love working with me - they said I was a breath of fresh air because I actually wanted to work hard and get better. Evidently, this was not something they experienced often - most of their patients were so overcome by the horror of their situation that they could not wrap their heads around working to change it. I never thought about the horror of the situation - I only thought of the getting better. It was hard work, but it was hard work completely worth doing and I am grateful I knew that.

I am grateful that I got to come home to my children, that I can continue to be a mom in the big ways and the small.

Most of all, I am grateful for the accident because if it hadn't happened, I wouldn't be where I am right now. And not only is right now a great place to be,  but because of the accident, I appreciate right now even more.

So what's next: well, I  have one more surgery to go - later this month, and if things go well I won't have to have another. Yes, I have things that are never going to get better, but managing those things are so much better than not being around or not "being me." I have learned to let go of the things that I cannot control and change the things that I can. It is both a more powerful and more peaceful way to live.

I am the luckiest girl in the world in so many ways. My goal moving forward is to always remember that; to appreciate all that I have - to live and love life. Getting to celebrate this anniversary with Emily is the best reminder. For so many reasons, I am grateful I get to celebrate this milestone with her for many years to come.

From Hospital to Today
(We sure have come a long way!)


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