On Filling My Pot with Gold

When I asked my children what I should bring home for them from Ireland, they thought that perhaps I should try to catch a leprechaun and bring him home. I warned them that this would be tricky, as leprechauns do not like to be caught, let alone packed in a bag, put on a plane, and taken away from their homes.

While I did not catch a leprechaun to bring home, I was reminded of all the ways I can fill my pot with gold.

Reconnecting with Friends: A big reason for going to Ireland was to reconnect with my friend and former co-worker, Donal, his wife, Fanya, and their three boys. I love to be around people, and these are some of the best people to be around. Our time together was filled with laughter. Connection and laughter with friends is definitely gold.

Meeting New Friends: There was not one person I met while in Ireland that didn't make me feel completely welcome, and like I was immediately a friend. This is a lovely thing to experience. From the staff at Donal and Fanya's restaurant, to Fanya's friends that I stayed with in Dublin, to Donal's family members, to random people I met on the bus or the train; I felt as though I was making new friends. New friends are most certainly gold.

Being at Home in an Unfamiliar Place: I had never been to Ireland before. Perhaps it was that I was staying with friends, but every single place I went, I felt at home. I have mentioned before that it has taken me some time to feel at home where I currently live (and I've been here over 7 years), but I did not have that problem there. That feeling of comfort is gold.

Experiencing New Things: I know that life can change in the blink of an eye. I have always wanted to go to Ireland, so even though I had never traveled internationally on my own before, I took my chance and went. I didn't want to lose the opportunity to experience something new. I love a scenic view, and truth be told, there isn't bit of Ireland I saw that wasn't scenic. I experienced the wonder and magic that is the beauty of that country. The land, the sea, the architecture, all rich with a deep past. It was hard to catch my breath as it was almost constantly being taken. I will gladly save for and spend my money on the gold of experiencing new things.

Seeing Dreams Come True: Donal and Fanya recently opened a restaurant, Sasta. From the moment I walked in the door, I knew that I was seeing their collective dream come true. Every last detail of the place is a culmination of their experiences together and the things that they love. Watching Donal speak with the customers, ensuring that everyone was having a wonderful time, was a site to behold. The same can be said of watching Fanya meet with the chef; both of their eyes lighting up when they discussed new menu items and presentation. I knew I was watching people who love what they do and were born to do it. There is no greater gold than seeing those you care about live their dreams.

A Good Meal: As you can imagine, I had a lot of these. I had no problem sampling the menu at Sasta. It is fantastic. A good meal, though, is not always just in the food that is served, it is also in the people who sit at the table. Everywhere I went: from Sasta, to tea at Donal's parents, to breakfast with the boys at the house, to restaurants in Dublin, Malahide, and Galway, the great food was complimented by equally great company. Eating brings me great enjoyment (I workout for a reason), and so does the conversation and laughter that can accompany it - truly gold.

Hugs Goodbye: I hate saying goodbye. And this time was no different. Having to say goodbye to all of my friends, old a new, was devastating. For Donal's sake, I managed to hold back the tears at the airport. I miss them all. Although perhaps skipping goodbye would have been easier for me emotionally, I wouldn't have done it because getting hugs from those adorable little boys and being told they will miss me absolutely meant the world. Those little boy arms around my neck are definitely gold.

Hugs Hello: And the best gold of all: seeing my kids after a long time apart. The excitement in their faces and their kisses on my cheek echoed my own excitement. I may have struggled to leave a beautiful place filled with friends, but what I came home to was worth it.

I may have had to go to Ireland to be reminded of how to fill my pot with gold, but every single way I stated can be done anywhere, as long as you look for ways to do it. I can focus on reconnecting with old friends. I can make new ones. I can make an effort to experience new things. I can notice the dreams of others, cheer them on, or even help facilitate them coming true. I can travel and feel at home every where I go. I can be thankful for my hugs goodbye and thankful for my hugs hello.

Filling my pot of gold is really about one thing: gratitude. Gold is in appreciating the people and experiences you fill your life with. I am the luckiest girl on the planet, leprechaun or not.


  1. Thank you Carrie for sharing. I always love your blogs and g updates and I am always grateful that I had the opportunity to know you. You are an inspiration


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