On Rainbows, Unicorns, and Nerdy Resilience

Wow! It's been a long time since I've written in this blog. That isn't because I have stopped writing - although I kind of had for awhile. In any case, I've co-authored a book, Trauma to Triumph: Stories of TBI Survivors and the Vital Role of Post-Acute Care, and I'm thrilled to tell you that it is available for pre-order now. (see links below). The book is meant to provide hope to survivors, raise money for the HobbleJog Foundation, and get the organizations' name out there as a group that works hard to help TBI survivors thrive. I am so happy to be part of this process. Each chapter of the book is written by a survivor or a caregiver and provides a message of hope - we aren't just surviving, we're thriving. We talk about post-acute care that has helped us in our journey. Each individuals' story is as unique as he or she is. None of us have approached writing our portion of the book in the same way. It is a beautiful testament to each individua...