On Guardian Angels

Yesterday I had my CT Scan and five year check-up with my neurointerventional radiologist. Good news - all is completely stable and exactly the same as it was two years ago at my previous check-up. Next appointment in another two years.

As I was riding to the appointment yesterday (my mom drove in this yucky weather), I was thinking about my guardian angels.

Let me back up, I think I've mentioned this before in a previous blog, but when I was in Shock Trauma, the soon-to-be-MIL of the woman in the room next to mine, came in to see me one day. She gave me a guardian angel coin. I keep that coin in my car (seems obvious). I bought more to - I like to give guardian angel coins to the people who have been a guardian angel to me, or that may need a guardian angel. It's just a little symbol that says how much I appreciate them for their kindness, or that I'm here if they need me; sometimes both.

So, back to yesterday - I'm thinking about my guardian angels and how fortunate I am to have so very many surrounding me on a regular basis. Certainly my mom is in this category - she rarely left my side while I was in the hospital - not even to sleep. And, the doctor I was supposed to have seen yesterday - Dr. Jindal.

Dr. Jindal saved my life. More than once. He performed the 10 hour surgery to repair the aneurysm near my brain stem. He has taken amazing care of me, during my time in Trauma, and for these five years since. Yesterday Dr. Jindal was not available for my appointment - he was busy in Trauma helping to save other lives. We waited forever for his poor overscheduled nurse practioner to see us. She was so apologetic for the delay, and I was sad not to see Dr. Jindal. Even so, I am grateful in knowing that like the day he probably missed scheduled appointments to save me, he missed my appointment to save others. There isn't a better reason to miss an appointment.

While the rest of my guardian angels have not literally saved my life, I would say they have at least figuratively saved my life. Without them, my life would be significantly less. Each of them have given me opportunities to live a fulfilling life.

I am so fortunate - I know my list of guardian angels is going to grow each day, month, and year. I surround myself with good, kind people. I surround my children with good, kind people. And, I work to be good and kind in return, as well as to teach my children the same.

We all have guardian angels around us - sometimes we have to look for them, and sometimes they just show up exactly when we need them. I have found that when I expect good from others - when I expect to find guardian angels - that is exactly what I've gotten. So, in the spirit of a fast approaching Thanksgiving, thank you.


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