On New Chapters and New Hope

2016 brought with it great happiness and great sorrow; it brought excitement and fear; it brought change and sameness. And now, 2016 is behind us. We can close the chapter.

With the dawning of 2017, what lies ahead? We don't know. The first day of 2017 is a blank page in a chapter of 365 blank pages waiting for us to fill.

For some, those blank pages bring an overwhelming sense of fear. The unknown can be very frightening - not being certain of the outcome, of the risks involved, of all of the players in the game. When we look at it like this, we can feel powerless; defeated long before we get started.

Perhaps though, we can shift our perspective: What if, instead, we look at these blank pages, this new chapter, as an opportunity? What if we see the power in the ability to author our own futures? What if, with each page, we seek to understand the world around us? What if, with each page, we actively work to make the world better, to make one person's life easier, and to understand that we are all connected?

New Year's Day is my favorite holiday for just this reason. It is new hope, new opportunity, and new capacity to take action.

We get to write a whole new chapter, creating with each blank page our response to the world around us.

We do not yet know the lessons that 2017 will bring, but we can be determined to learn them well.

We know that each year brings challenge and joy, so we can choose to face challenges with courage and to open our hearts to focus on joy.

There is a great likelihood that we will falter along the way, so we can forge new friendships and make old ones stronger, thus ensuring we have support when we need it.

No one has yet told us we can't, so we can be confident in our belief that we can.

Life is always good - even when it is hard. Be open to possibility and start your chapter this year with hope.

I wish you all the best for 2017 - I am confident it is going to be the best year yet.


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