On Words

Words have power: the power to hurt and the power to heal. 

I actively choose to omit (most of the time, and even when it is really hard) the words that will do damage, those that have no purpose other than to make myself temporarily feel better. I know those words will not serve me well - they will not move me forward along on this path that is my life. 

Instead, I actively choose to use words that show love and understanding, kindness and respect; words that show my gratitude. I want to use my words and my actions to help others in their time of need, even when I do not know the exact words to say. 

Now, I want to use my words to thank each of you that have reached out in some way. 

You may not have words that will make all of my sadness and fear go away. You may not have words to fix this challenging time I find myself and my family in. Yet, you chose to speak anyway. 

Please know, your words are healing. Your words of kindness, compassion and support have allowed me to hang onto my thread - they have given me and will continue to give me the strength I need to keep walking forward along this very bumpy road I travel. They have picked me up when I have faltered. 

From the bottom of my heart, thank you. 

And please, never doubt the power of words. 


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