On Forty

I remember, as clearly as if it were yesterday (not 30 years ago), when my dad turned 40. We had a surprise party for him and decorated the house with black balloons and "Over the Hill" paraphernalia. We teased him relentlessly on being old.

And here I am, at my second day of being 40. 

Is 40 old? Its funny what I thought back then and how differently I think now. 

40 isn't old. I don't even think the 70 that my dad is turning this year is old. 

Fortunately, celebrating my birthday this year did not take the same morbid turn of my dad's 40th birthday. Perhaps that is because I almost didn't get the chance to be this old. Or possibly, it is that (and happily so) the trend in celebrating 40 as "Over the Hill" is something that disappeared with the '80s. And maybe, we all just need to get a little older to realize how 40 isn't old at all. 

In any case, my birthday has been full of celebration. In fact, it seems that instead of celebrating just my birth-day, I've been able to celebrate my entire birth-month.  At the end of the month, I even get to celebrate with some dear childhood friends of mine who are also turning 40 in the coming weeks. I am so lucky. I cannot, however, eat any more cake! And I love cake, so you know I must be on serious overload for me to refuse more. 

I mentioned last year when I turned 39 that I wanted to just skip ahead to 40, that I hate to say good-bye to a period of time, and instead prefer to say hello to a new chapter. I will miss my 30s, but I do not look back at any of it with regret. I do not shut this chapter with sadness in my heart. I am thankful for all I have learned and for who I have become along the way. And, I am thrilled to be embarking on this new decade of my life. 

I have an amazing life filled with friends, family, meaningful work, experiencing all that life has to offer, and allowing my children to do the same.  I am filled with gratitude for this life I have. And, I am so grateful for all the people who make this life of mine meaningful. 

So, I am opening my arms wide to my 40s. I will jump at every chance to experience the wonder of all that surrounds me and to seek out that which is hidden. I cannot wait to see what this new decade has in store. 

This 40-year-old is not getting old - I'm just getting better.


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