On Winning

I win.

I am not talking about any specific contest. I am talking about life.

I win at life.

Perhaps that sounds arrogant. It's not intended that way. It is really just about how I feel. And, I don't just win because I'm lucky or because people give me things...

I win for three very specific reasons: I align myself with the right people, I work hard at everything I do, and I never give up.

A perfect recent example is Team Miller, the team I was on for the two month challenge at the gym. We won our challenge. I aligned myself with the right people, I worked hard, and I didn't give up. Every member of our team worked hard. Our coach worked hard to help us get past the bumps in the road. Our team supported one another through the good and the bad. We didn't give up. We won because we deserved to win.

I am lucky. I am lucky, though, because I make my own luck, and then I recognize all there is to be grateful for:
  • I have great kids because every single day I work to ensure that they have the tools they need in order to be as successful as they can be, and I provide them with an example of how to live life in a meaningful way
  • I have great friends that support me in so many ways because I am a great friend and I look for ways to help them even when they don't ask 
  • I have a wonderful family that has never doubted their belief in me; a family that I try to support in the same way on a regular basis
  • I have a new home because I've worked hard to get to a place in my life where I could buy one  
  • I have a successful business because I am genuine, honest, and caring with my clients. Their success is my success, and I work hard to ensure both
  • I am physically healthy and strong, despite my accident and the permanent damage it has left, because I go to the gym most days and give it my all; I don't quit even when it's hard
  • I am emotionally healthy and strong because I am living a life that matches my values. I am constantly looking to fulfill my purpose - I'm not exactly sure what it is, but as long as I keep focused on the people in my life and learning everything I can, I am sure I will find it 
Life isn't easy and I don't want it to be. Sometimes I fail. That's when my perseverance and drive help me pick myself back up and try again. The hard stuff is what makes it worthwhile. I want to know that I win because I deserve to... because I worked for it... because I never gave up.

I'm winning now and I'm going to keep winning.

I am not going to stop.

I win. 


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