On the Team Challenge

I've written several times about what I've learned from being on teams... on my high school field hockey team, and even in my school orchestras (which was very much a team). Most recently, I joined a new team... Team Miller.

Miller is a personal trainer and fitness instructor at my gym. Club One (my gym) is holding a "Team Challenge" where five people sign up per coach and from March 1 - May 1, earn points through taking classes, working out, keeping a nutrition log, and meeting our individual and group fitness goals.

I didn't join this team or this challenge because I feel like I need to get a jump start before bathing suit season, although that could be the motivation for others - the timing is right. I joined the team because I like teams and I like challenges. Truth be told, I don't even know what we win. I just know I want to win. Already, this group of women (and Miller) are teaching me and reminding me of some really important things:

It is important to work hard for yourself: This one I am good at. I work hard for me all the time. Of course I can improve on this, and I have motivation to do so - I want to be the healthiest and strongest I can be: for me, for my kids, and for everyone I meet along the way.

Team focus is just as important: I'm not just working hard for me. What I accomplish (or don't), impacts my team. If I don't keep my nutrition log or decide to take a week of rest, my team loses points and there is no way we can win the challenge. Each of us needs to continuously have at the top of our minds that our team is counting on us to be the best we can be.

Teams support one another: Our team is awesome. We have a great coach who frequently sends a text with something positive to keep us motivated. We text each other our accomplishments and our struggles, and we support each other. We are not in it for ourselves, alone. We are in it for each other, too.

Being the underdog is motivational: Our team has heard, from members of other teams, that we are not expected to win - that we are the underdog. So, for those people, thank you! It has only caused us to work harder, to be more determined, and to care more.

New teams mean new friends: You cannot be truly supportive to others if you know nothing about their lives. This team challenge is allowing me to do something else that I love to do - learn about, and from, other people. If we pay attention to the people around us and their needs, we become so fulfilled in our own lives. It truly is a win-win on many levels.

We're in it to win it: There isn't a single person on our team that isn't intending to win. I told Miller when I signed up that I don't do things if I don't think I can win. This doesn't mean I think it'll be easy or that I won't have to work hard. Just the opposite - it means that I'm going to give it my all and I believe my teammates are going to give it their all, as well. We plan on winning and working hard to do so.

I take very much to heart these lessons - I work hard, I am determined and motivated, and I intend to win. The winning is so much better when I have a team to share it with, whether that team is my family, my friends, in work, or at the gym - having other people on your team that you know you can count on, makes all the difference in the world. In yet another way, I am so fortunate - I have great teams!


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