On Moments

I have this framed quote in my room:
Life is not measured by the breaths you take, but by the moments that take your breath away.
I remember when I moved into my condo almost three years ago, how drawn I was to that quote. It felt so... Hopeful... Almost magical. That belief that there were moments that could take your breath away was what I needed at the time. I needed to believe in that kind of magic.

And now, I think I've changed my mind. Don't get me wrong, I do believe that life has moments that can take your breath away... The birth of both of my children certainly count as those kind of moments. And more recently, my trip to Ireland was filled with breath-taking moments. Those kinds of moments are important... And magical.

I no longer believe (or want to believe), however, that those moments are what defines life. It is a lovely, magical, hopeful sentiment. But what defines life - or a life well lived - is more often the ordinary moments.

The moments that really measure a life are the books and snuggles before bedtime, the helping someone in need just because it is the right thing to do, the step forward over and over again that eventually leads to somewhere. They are the smiles, the laughter and the tears that make up the every day... These are the moments we should measure our life by.

Yes, magic breath-taking moments are important. They are thrilling. And, they are often too quick to measure.

Stop and take stock of what you have - of each of the little, everyday, nothing moments. If you look at each of these as a whole and with gratitude, I believe what you will find is truly extraordinary - you will find a life that is yours... One that isn't meant for anyone else. You will find a life that is filled with your hopes and dreams - a life that you can keep filling by making those dreams a reality.

Perhaps each of our lives will only be filled with one or two breath-taking moments. I think that's okay, especially if you recognize what those little, ordinary, everyday, yet life-defining moments add up to be... An extraordinary life that is all yours.


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