On My Natural State
A friend of mine recently asked me why I was smiling. My response: "No reason. It's just kinda my natural state." And, it is. My mom has said that I was born with a smile. I am not sure that is physiologically possible, but you get the point. I have always been a pretty happy person. This can be irritating as hell if you aren't a happy person, or it can be infectious. I prefer to think that I spread happiness, but I also know I can't get it right for everyone, all the time. I'm okay with that. There is a myth with happy people, though - just because I'm happy most of the time, doesn't mean that I never get sad, or angry, or hurt. I feel all those feelings, and express them - sometimes all within the same day. Sometimes, all within the same 10 minutes. Negative emotion can oftentimes feel like a huge and fierce thunderstorm. Fortunately for me, those dark clouds pass by quickly and I am soon back to my natural state of happy. I let them go as qui...