On Neurofatigue
By Friday last week, I was exhausted. I don't just mean physically tired. My brain was tired - or more accurately, it was just plain done . According to an article in www.brainline.org , neurofatigue is fatigue is caused by a decrease in physiological reserve, which includes a person's physical and mental reserves. When your brain is “tapped out,” you feel tired . ... But generally, people with TBI have described fatigue as a sense of mental or physical tiredness , exhaustion , lack of energy, and/or low vitality. This describes my experience last week perfectly - think of it as extreme burnout. This is a very real symptom, one that frustrates me to no end because it is one that I still struggle with, even six years later. I am challenged with it in two ways: first, slowing down isn't really something I do naturally - I have to be intentional about it; and second, I am generally pretty determined, so I have to be carefu...