
Showing posts from October, 2015

On Being an Anomaly

I recently got the craziest news. I'm still not entirely sure what to make of it, but here's the back story: When I was first admitted to Shock Trauma, my mom approved allowing me to be a part of a double blind study. The medication in the study had shown some initial promising results in quickly reducing brain swelling, and therefore reducing a lot of the complications that can go with it. So, I was a part of this study. Until very recently, I did not know if I had received the medication or the placebo. The woman conducting the study (Charlene), as well as my parents, myself, and anyone who knew I was a part of this study assumed that I had most likely gotten the medication. The swiftness of reduction in my brain swelling post-trauma was remarkable. So, of course, I got the medication, right? BUT I DIDN'T! As it turns out, I was in the placebo group. WHAT?! Part of me is disappointed. I really enjoyed getting to know Charlene and wanted to be helpful to her study, f...

On Anniversaries... Part 2

So, here it is the second anniversary of Emily and me surviving our accident. In many ways it feels like it was just yesterday. Yet, so many things have changed since then that I cannot imagine how I have fit it all in. It is true that many parts of this experience completely and totally sucked: that Em and I were in a life-changing accident; having a long and arduous recovery; knowing that my friend was hurt when I was driving; understanding the fear that our family and friends felt day in and day out. All of it was pretty horrible. Here's what's also true: I wouldn't change any of it. I am grateful for the doctors, nurses, family and friends that made my survival possible. It is both overwhelming and fulfilling to know that people are working and praying hard for you. I am grateful for the connections and re-connections I have made because of the accident. Meeting new people and reconnecting with old friends is a wonderful thing, something I appreciate tremend...