On What If I'm Not Enough
As we get closer to this day... the day that Simon is to be discharged from the hospital... this is a thought that keeps running through my mind: what if I'm not enough? What if I am not enough to help the boy I love so much... my first baby? What if all the love I have to give doesn't make him happy, or healthy, or safe? What if everything I've done up until now has been wrong? What if I will never be able to make the world better, or safer for him? These thoughts are self-defeating. And, these thoughts are real. I cannot pretend that I don't have them. I would imagine that all parents must feel this at some point, for some reason. It seems a shame that we do not always seek to support one another during these times of doubt, but perhaps we have to admit we have these feelings in order to receive that type of support. So, here I am admitting these thoughts - these doubts so prominent in my mind. And please know, I am so grateful for all the support we...